Reasons to Choose Itten Dojo

• You will be a member, not a customer (we do not use contracts).
• You will train in authentic, heritage martial arts with fully documented lineages tracing directly to Japan.
• You will have regular access to some of the most-accomplished, highest-ranking instructors in the world.
• Our dojo is widely recognized as an exceptional source for traditional training, supported and endorsed by the Japanese Martial Arts Center (Ann Arbor, Michigan), the Reigakudo Foundation (Tokyo, Japan), Takeshin Dojo and the Nihonden Aikibujutsu Senyokai (Salem, Massachusetts), the Yamabushi Jujutsu Aikijutsu Ryu Association (Bronx, New York), the Shudokan Martial Arts Association (Ann Arbor, Michigan), the Japanese Budo Association (Tokyo, Japan), and Bugeisha Traditional Martial Artist magazine (Kane’ohe, Hawai’i).
• We maximize the training benefit to members by offering 90-minute classes and frequent open-mat periods.
• Our class sizes are small, guaranteeing you personalized, individual instruction from the chief instructor and highly-ranked assistant instructors at every practice.
• Because the arts we practice are not sports, the atmosphere in the dojo is always supportive and encouraging, rather than competitive. Members work together to ensure everyone’s success.
• In addition to the opportunity to train formally in shodo (calligraphy), all our arts will provide you insights to Japanese language, history, philosophy, and culture.
• Our dojo is a separate world, kept spotlessly clean and providing an environment that is, paradoxically, both serene and dynamic.
• We’ve recently installed a professionally designed, integrated mat system from Fuji Mats, consisting of the highest-quality tatami-style mats, placed over a flexible plywood subfloor with more than 1,200 six-inch steel springs underneath. It is the most sophisticated and safest training surface of any martial arts facility in central Pennsylvania.

• Most of all, training in these kinds of arts is an incredible amount of fun. It’s difficult to imagine any other activity that is so intrinsically enjoyable while offering such a range of benefits.


The benefits of training in traditional martial arts reach far beyond an ability to fight, and can — with enthusiasm and effort on your part — dramatically improve all aspects of your life. We know what training in these arts has done for us, and we’re excited to offer this opportunity to you.


Please use the contact form on the homepage of to make an appointment to observe training and discover whether any of the traditional Japanese martial arts are right for you. Visitors are always welcome! Learn more at #ittendojo #iaido #aikijutsu #jujutsu #kenjutsu #shodo


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